Parks Journal 30.2
November 2024| Downloads – publication
Edited by Paulina Karim, IUCN WCPA
DOI: 10.2305/BCEK8964
Editorial Essay:
WILD12 and the 10th IRF World Ranger Congress: two congresses but shared messages
Sue Stolton, Mike Appleton, Erinn Drage, Nigel Dudley, Chris Galliers, Adam Hanson, Amy Lewis, Vance G. Martin, Jennifer Meyer, Mónica Álvarez Malvido, Madhu Rao, Kent H. Redford, Rohit Singh and Hannah L. Timmins
DOI: 10.2305/ERIF4355
Safeguarding wildlife and human life: Rangers as first responders
Kayla Werner, Rohit Singh and Chris Galliers
DOI: 10.2305/UXEM2729
Vagner Cavarzere, Fabio Schunck, Peter Mix and Reginaldo J. Donatelli
Supplementary Online Material
Supplementary Online Material 2. Tables for Results and Discussion section.
DOI: 10.2305/VPEH7532
Lavaniadevi Gopalakrishnan, Siti Zuraidah Abidin, Munisha Cheng, Arsir Abdul and Salman bin Saaban
Supplementary Online Material
Supplementary Online Material 1. Detailed study area.
Supplementary Online Material 2. Detailed methodology.
DOI: 10.2305/MVFT5945
Letícia Lopes Dias, Angela Pellin, Neluce Soares, Pedro M. Pedro, Letícia Umbelina and Fabiana Prado
Supplementary Online Material
Supplementary Online Material 1. Additional indicator tables and a figure.
DOI: 10.2305/ZBVP8890
John W. K. Parr, Teaunchay Phongkhamphanh, Vilasack Southammakoth and Latsamay Sylavong
Supplementary Online Material
Supplementary Online Material 1. 14 Generic indicators prescribed to assess good governance.
Supplementary Online Material 2. Important technical village documents at the district level.
Supplementary Online Material 3. Indicators on governance.
DOI: 10.2305/JMSQ3470
Enhancing environmental conservation through guided tour buses: Insights from Taijiang National Park
Wei-Chia Su
Supplementary Online Material
DOI: 10.2305/CDCO4840
Landscape approaches for the 30×30 target: Potential applications and practical recommendations
Paulina G. Karim and Kuang-Chung Lee
DOI: 10.2305/ICJQ6433
Stéphane Rivière and Joseba Garmendia Altuna
DOI: 10.2305/LLYR1172