Parks Journal 24 Special Issue on OECMs

Parks Journal 24 Special Issue on OECMs

July 2018| Downloads – publication

Edited by Harry Jonas, IUCN WCPA

PARKS 24 Special Issue on OECMs high resolution download

PARKS 24 Special Issue on OECMs low resolution download

DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.PARKS-24-SI.en

Editorial essay

Harry Jonas, Kathy MacKinnon, Nigel Dudley, Marc Hockings, Sabine Jensen, Dan Laffoley, David MacKinnon,
Clara L. Matallana‐Tobón, Trevor Sandwith, John Waithaka and Stephen Woodley

DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.PARKS‐24‐SIHDJ.en

Disko Fan Conservation Area: a Canadian case study

Elizabeth Hiltz, Susanna D. Fuller and Jessica Mitchell

DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.PARKS‐24‐SIEH.en

Comparing screening tools for assessment of potential ‘other effective area‐based conservation measures’ in Ontario, Canada

Paul A. Gray, Deanna Cheriton, Noah Gaetz, Paul Lehman, Jocelyn Sherwood, Thomas J. Beechey, and
Christopher J. Lemieux

DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.PARKS-24-SIPAG.en

PPA or OECM? Differentiating between privately protected areas and other effective area‐based conservation measures on private land

Brent A. Mitchell, James A. Fitzsimons, Candice M.D. Stevens, Dale R. Wright

DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.PARKS-24-SIBAM.en

Hutan Harapan ecosystem restoration concession, Sumatra, Indonesia: a potential OECM?

Agus B. Utomo and Thomas A. Walsh

DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.PARKS-24-SIABU.en

Indigenous effective area‐based conservation measures: conservation practices among the Dayak Kenyah of North Kalimantan

Cristina Eghenter

DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.PARKS-24-SICE.en

Contemporary pastoral commons in East Africa as OECMs: a case study from the Daasanach community

Daniel Maghanjo Mwamidi, Juan Gabriel Renom, Álvaro Fernández‐Llamazares, Daniel Burgas,
Pablo Domínguez and Mar Cabeza

DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.PARKS-24-SIDMM.en

Rethinking nature conservation in Colombia: a case study of other effective area‐based conservation measures

Clara L. Matallana‐Tobón, Marcela Santamaría, Alexandra Areiza Tapias, Clara Solano and Sandra Galán

DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.PARKS-24-SICLM.en

The role of potential OECMs in safeguarding space for nature in Kenya: A case study of wildlife conservancies

John Waithaka and Gladys Warigia Njoroge

DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2018.PARKS-24-SIJMW.en